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Mutton Half Box


Mutton is a sheep over the age of 2 years old and best eaten at four
years. Flavorful with a slightly higher fat content, mutton lends itself to
long, slow cooking and stands up well to Asian spices.
As Sumayya Usmani’s new book testifies, Summers under the tamarind tree :
Mutton provides ‘by far the most auromic biryani in my book…Great for a
special occasion’

Out of stock

Consisting of :
1x Leg
1x Shoulder
1kg Mince
Neck Chops
Front Chops
Back Chops
Dead Weight: 14-16kg
Net Weight: Just Over 11kg (After Trimmings)

When ordering, please specify how you would like your mutton, if we do not receive any cutting instructions from you then we will process the mutton in the traditional Halal butcher method of all diced on bone.